Reflections on Reform of the UK Supreme Court

Introduction This paper is a sequel to the earlier one published by Policy Exchange entitled “Should the UK Supreme Court be abolished?”[1] A number of commentators, as well as the contributors to this symposium, have discussed my proposal for an extended Final Court...
Our Ultimate Appellate Court

Our Ultimate Appellate Court

  Full Disclosure The politically febrile aftermath of Miller I[1] and Miller II[2]is not an ideal time to consider the reform of our Supreme Court. Those decisions seemed, at the time, of enormous political significance, and partisans for the losing side (I am...
Ten Ways to Improve the Overseas Operations Bill

Ten Ways to Improve the Overseas Operations Bill

This short paper sets out ten ways in which the Overseas Operations Bill could be amended to improve its effectiveness and to minimise the risk of unintended consequences. None of the proposed changes are wrecking amendments. Like many parliamentarians, we share the...
The Case for Reforming Judicial Review

The Case for Reforming Judicial Review

This paper is the text of a submission made on behalf of Policy Exchange’s Judicial Power Project to the Independent Review of Administrative Law. It complements the related submission made by Sir Stephen Laws. Since its foundation, a little over five years ago,...
Mishandling the Law

Mishandling the Law

The Supreme Court has allowed Gerry Adams’s appeal against his 1975 convictions for escaping from lawful custody. When a court quashes a conviction 45 years later, one might imagine that new evidence must have come to light. Not this time: the case turned on a...
The Court of Appeal’s powerful ‘right to rent’ judgment

The Court of Appeal’s powerful ‘right to rent’ judgment

Modern human rights law invites political challenges to law or policy and politicises adjudication in turn.  The risks were on full display a year ago when the High Court roundly declared sections 20-37 of the Immigration Act 2014 to be racially discriminatory.  I...
Debating the Supreme Court’s prorogation judgment

Debating the Supreme Court’s prorogation judgment

speakers: Lord Sumption former Justice of the Supreme Court John Larkin QC Attorney General for Northern Ireland Helen Mountfield QC Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford The Lord Trevethin and Oaksey QC Crossbench Peer and Barrister Chaired by Professor Richard...